文章主题:Looking for a foreign friend who wanna study Chinese
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发信人: Lisen, 信区: 建筑景观 标 题: Re: Looking for a foreign friend who wanna study Chinese 发信站: 同济之声 BBS站 (2016/5/31 15:48:11) Looking for a foreign friend who wanna study Chinese 希望结识一位打算系统学习汉语的,以英语为母语的外国朋友。我打算提高口语和备考雅思,所以希望可以在语言学习上互相帮助。下为我的一些简要情况。 我目前在赤峰路63号创意产业园中从事规划设计工作,9月份将要去西安建筑科技大学读研究生。我工作的地方就在同济四平路校区南门,故交流起来会很方便。此外我时间较为规整且充裕,所以我的搭档在时间上有更多的选择。 欢迎推荐,不胜感谢~ Are You The One? If you or your friend whose native language is English wanna study Chinese, you are the one I am seeking for ! Location:Tongji University(Siping Road Campus) or Fudan University (Handan Road Campus), Yangpu,Shanghai Time:Evenings of Monday to Friday and all day of Saturday and Sunday Event:Seeking for a friend whose mother tongue is English and helping each other in language learning My Profile Name:Lisen Gender:Male Age:25 Major:Majoring Urban and Rural Planning in Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology as a Post-Graduate English Ability:CET6 Have no difficulty in reading and writing Oral English should be promoted Chinese Ability:Sensitive to Chinese word Good at amending of ill-formed sentence Have the appreciation of classical literature I wanna practice my oral English and prepare for the IELTS or TOEFL.I would like to make friends with foreign buddy,so that we can help each other in language learning. My hobby of reading makes me sensitive to Chinese words and good at amending of ill-formed sentence.My appreciation of Chinese classical literature will help you or your friend in understanding Chinese culture. I can read fictions written in English,so there would be less problem in communication between us. I spent most of my evenings(18:30-21:00) in Tongji University(Siping Road Campus) and most of all day of Saturday and Sunday in Fudan University (Handan Road Campus),so,if you want, both of us can learn in a systemic way. There are tables and chairs in semi-public spaces in Tongji and Fudan where is quite and the talk in a low voice is permitted.They are really nice places for language studying. We can only meet in Tongji or Fudan University or other public places. There is less need to worry about the safety, disturbance and other things like this You can learn more about me and contact me by following ways: Tel :186 2178 6715 Wechat ID:jiaolinsen E-mail :jlinsen@foxmail.com 是你么?是你么?是你么? 你或你的朋友是来自英语国家并且想系统学习汉语的"歪果仁"么? 如果是,我正在找你呢! 坐标:上海 杨浦 同济大学(四平路校区)、复旦大学(邯郸路校区) 时间:周一到周五晚上、周六周日全天 内容:寻找一以英语为母语的外国朋友,在英语和汉语学习方面互相帮助 简介 姓名:焦林森 性别:男 年龄:25 专业:城乡规划 英语水平:CET6 阅读基本无障碍 听说欠佳 汉语水平:喜欢阅读和写作 中国古典文学亦有涉猎 对汉语词句敏感 我想提高一下我的英语口语水平,目前,正在寻找一名来自英语国家,并打算系统学习汉语的外国朋友,以在语言学习方面互相帮助。 对阅读的喜欢使我对汉语词句极为敏感,尤擅长中文语法和病句完善,因此能更好的帮助外国朋友学习汉语和了解中国文化。 我目前的英语水平可以阅读原版英文小说,故交流中不会有大障碍。 周一到周日的晚上18:30-21:00,我一般在同济大学(四平路校区);周六和周日的全天,则多在复旦大学(邯郸路校区)。时间较为规整且充裕,因此能系统的帮助你或你的朋友学习汉语。学 同济和复旦都有带桌椅的半公共空间;既安静,不易被打扰,又可做小声的讨论,是理想的学习交流之处。交流之处。 我们的交往,在内容上可只限于语言学习;空间上可只限于校园或其他绝对安全的公共空间。因此不必为安全和其他多余的打扰担心。 如果你想了解更多或联系我,下为联系方式: 电话 :186 2178 6715 微信ID:jiaolinsen 邮箱 :jlinsen@foxmail.com -- ※ 来源:·同济之声 BBS站 http://www.tjubbs.net |
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